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Browse our data snapshots on topics like climate, housing, health and more. View our full reports here.
Billion-dollar Disasters
Since 2020, every state has experienced one or more disasters with damages greater than $1 billion.
Climate Disasters
Southerners have borne the brunt of climate disasters since 2020, with 81% of Southerners living in a county that had a disaster, compared to 71% of non-Southerners.
Flood Risk
According to their assessments, 14.6 million properties nationwide are at substantial risk of flooding. 5.9 million of them are not currently within FEMA special flood hazard areas and, thus, not required to buy flood insurance.
Extreme Heat Days
According to the most recent data available by county, in 2021, 92% of Southerners (versus 61% of non-Southerners) were exposed to 5+ days of extreme heat.
Heat Vulnerability
A study by the U.S. Treasury Department finds that many Southern counties with high heat exposure are also socially vulnerable — particularly in the Mississippi Delta region.
Heat-related Deaths
Heat-related deaths have increased in recent years, becoming the primary cause of weather-related deaths in the U.S.
Black Carbon
Black carbon, or soot, contributes to global warming and air pollution. EPA regulations helped to steadily decrease the presence of black carbon; however, rising global temperatures and human activity have led to more frequent wildfires that release that same particle — reversing over 20 years of U.S. progress.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Achieving the necessary level of greenhouse gas mitigation to prevent the most severe impacts of climate change will demand an unparalleled investment of time, resources, and labor, spanning every sector of the economy.
Electric Power Interruptions
Power interruptions can be deadly, particularly following climate shocks which tend to occur during the hottest or coldest times of year — leaving residents without air conditioning or heat sources.
Home Weatherization
In 2021, only seven states weatherized more than 0.1% of their homes – Vermont leading at 0.3%. Home weatherization reduces greenhouse gas emissions as well as household energy expenditures through repairs, insulation, and replacement of mechanical systems.
Flood Insurance
Once the new price structure is fully implemented, the average cost of flood insurance is projected to be $1,950 in Southern states — 20% higher than outside the South.
Public Transportation
Public transit generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions and less wear and tear on roads (per passenger mile traveled) than private cars. Across the South, fewer than 2% of workers use public transit.
Uncontested State Legislative Seats
In the 2022-2023 state legislative election cycle, 11 states had only one candidate for a majority of their state legislature races.
State Voting Laws
Since the 2020 election, 29 states have passed laws that make it harder for Americans to vote, including laws that limit early voting, institute stricter ID requirements, limit mail-in and absentee ballots, close polling places early, purge voter rolls, and more.
Health Insurance Coverage
In 2010, the Affordable Care Act began to dramatically reduce the number of uninsured people across the country through Medicaid expansion and new subsidies for health insurance “marketplaces.” 10 states (6 of them in the South) have still not adopted Medicaid expansion.
Internet Access
Expanding broadband enables easier access to e-commerce, telecommuting, and virtual healthcare, reducing the overall demand for transportation and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, over 1 in 10 Southerners have no internet access at home — not even a cellular plan.
News Deserts
“News deserts”, counties that have zero or just one newspaper, make up 75% of Southern counties, compared to 50% of non-Southern counties.
Life expectancy, by state
Based on provisional 2022 data, U.S. death rates have improved slightly and life expectancy has increased. Still, life expectancy — at 77.5 years — remains 1.3 years lower than 2019 pre-Covid.
Death Rates, by state
In 2022, the death rate in America remained higher than pre-Covid. Death rates in the South are stunningly high. West Virginia and Kentucky had age-adjusted death rates nearly twice as high as New York and California.
Drug Overdose Deaths
Natural disasters can cause huge shocks to the daily lives of Americans, adversely affecting housing, health, and an overall sense of security. Studies found that opioid and substance abuse were more likely to increase in the aftermath of a natural disaster.